

The D’Click company is a theatrical circus company that blends different typical circus languages, such as acrobatics and the Chinese pole, with clearly theatrical dramaturgy, full of imagination, poetry, gestures and a good dose of humour.

D’Click was created in 2010. Since then, it has travelled practically all around the globe with both its indoor and outdoor creations, receiving a very warm welcome as well as a lot of complicity from the public.


The company was created in 2010 after Javier Gracia  (Carampa Circus School) and Hugo Gauthier (Circus School of Brussels and Global Circus of Chile) met. Impressed by the possibilities that the circus gave them to undertake their desires to fly, they started to specifically study the practice of juggling and movement combined with the Chinese pole.


Based on a language that is transmitted through the body and movement, “Los viajes de Colón” (Columbus’ Journeys) (2011), shows a surreal journey, where, based on the ordinariness of the journey, the characters get to know each other in depth and experience delirious adventures.


This was the start of a company that defends the circus art as a living art, where acrobatic virtuosity is at the service of dramaturgy, and of a clearly theatrical performing language.

The same values guide the “L’Avant Première” Project (2014), which, with the incorporation of Ana Castrillo, conducts a dual investigation into dance and movement.


With more than 100 performances worldwide,, “L’Avant Première” has received awards such as the “Public’s Award of the Theatre and Dance Fair of Huesca 2015”, and the “Award to the best Aragonese circus show of the City of Zaragoza Circus Festival 2015”.


In 2016, it received the “Performing Arts Revelation Award of Aragon 2016”.


In 2017, the three members of the company premiered ISLA, taking a major step in the working and creation method.

A show resulting from two years’ creation supported by Zaragoza City Council, Poctefa- de Mar a Mar, Pyrinees de Cirque and the Trayectos Danza Festival.


Fruit of the investigation carried out over the last few years, the company premieres SED at the International Trayectos Danza Festival, a street dance and circus show.


During its first year, ISLA receives the 1st prize of the Noctivagos Festival of Oropesa (Toledo) 2017 as well as the Best Aragonese Circus Show 2017. In 2018-2019 they will be touring Norway, Italy, Mexico, the UK and Spain.


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