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Born in a city where the so-called “Cierzo” wind always accompanies us. I believe that the Cierzo has something to do with the fact that I feel as if I have spent my whole life dancing to the pace of its breath. Amazed by every dance style and artistic discipline since I was very small, my first steps were with the Ana Continente dance, theatre and improvisation company, with the shows, “Inquilinos” and “Esperando en Olot”.

I entered the circus world attracted by its assorted and colourful mix of disciplines which make me feel the surreal in a very real way.

In 2010, we formed the D’Click company, where I added numbers and letters to the management, and with which I continue to dance and grow with the “L’Avant Première” , “Sed” and “ISLA” shows.


I’ve lived all my life in Huesca. My first encounter with juggling came about during my university years. The diabolo becomes an extension of my body and allows me to play and dance.

My first professional experience in the circus was at the Expo Zaragoza 2008 procession, with the Cirque du Soleil, which fuelled my appetite to continue my circus training at the Carampa School in Madrid.

The door to creativity opened up and I became totally immersed in the circus. Every technique affords something and all of them together underpin the marquee. Anything goes, and invites you to enter the magic.

This vision of the circus made me return to Zaragoza and join forces to create the D’Click company. Laden with enthusiasm I have launched myself into this adventure that has given me the possibility to create and share this passion that keeps us going.


I grew up among oak and beech groves in Belgium, dreaming about living among their branches. Sport forms part of my childhood when I felt a strong attraction for activities where I could develop my creativity. The circus fitted in well with my concerns and I began, as a self-taught person, to enjoy juggling. My enthusiasm to learn took me to the Circus School of Brussels and from there to the Global Circus School in Santiago de Chile where I specialised in the Chinese Pole.

I gained experience in different theatre, circus and dance companies, and the call of creation made me connect with people who were similar to me, to start a project such as D’Click. A project with which we can fulfil ourselves and that enables us to live based on the love and passion for what we do.


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